Diagnostic Imaging for Nurse Practitioners
We review common presentations and indications for diagnostic imaging
Acute Leg Swelling
Cracking the Case of Acute Leg Swelling: How to Use Wells Criteria, D-Dimer, and Ultrasound for a Quick, Accurate Diagnosis. It’s all about pre-test probability!
Read time: 5-10 minutes.
Should I Order Imaging for Low Back Pain?
Low back pain is one of the most common primary care presentations. How confident are you with your differential diagnosis, when to order diagnostic imaging, and how to interpret radiology reports?
Read time: 5-10 minutes.
Diagnostic Approach to Dysphagia
We review 3 key mechanisms of dysphagia, differential diagnoses, and diagnostic imaging considerations. We review red flags you do not want to miss!
Knee Pain in Adults: When to Order Diagnostic Imaging
Knee pain is a common primary care presentation, and we need to be familiar with differential diagnoses and indications for diagnostic imaging.
Read time: 5-10 minutes.
Diagnostic Approach to Shoulder Pain
We review common etiologies of traumatic and non-traumatic shoulder pain, and when to consider diagnostic imaging.
(Read time: 8-10 minutes)
Should I Order Imaging for Suspected Chronic Venous Insufficiency?
We review differential diagnosis of chronic lower limb edema, and diagnostic imaging considerations for lower limb chronic venous insufficiency.
When to Order CT Sinus Imaging for Rhinosinusitis
A review of common differentials for acute nasal obstruction, and when to consider diagnostic imaging (hint: rarely do we need imaging unless red flags emerge).
(Read time: 7-8 minutes)
Adult with Hip Pain: When to Order Imaging
Hip pain has a long list of possibilities - break it down by anterior, posterior, and lateral hip pain to narrow down your differential. Let’s get into when to consider diagnostic imaging for this common primary care presentation.
(Read time: 10-12 minutes)
When to Consider Diagnostic Imaging for Chronic Cough
Chronic cough is a common primary care presentation. Do you feel comfortable with common differentials and when to consider diagnostic imaging?
(Read time: 7-8 minutes)
When to Order Imaging for Male Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
LUTs is a common primary care presentation. What differentials are we looking for and when are bladder scans indicated?
(6-7 minute read)
When to Order Imaging for Acute Right Upper Quadrant Abdominal Pain
From biliary colic to pancreatitis - we review RUQ pain differentials you do not want to miss, and considerations for diagnostic imaging.
(6-7 minute read)
Diagnostic Approach to Suspected Renal Colic
We review important pearls and pitfalls of ultrasound versus CT when working up this common presentation.
(6-7 minute read)
My Patient has Chest Pain: Should I Order Non-Invasive Cardiac Testing?
We review pearls and pitfalls of non-invasive cardiac tests for patients presenting with cardiac chest pain.
(5-6 minute read)
My Patient has a Headache, is Imaging Necessary?
Are you comfortable knowing when to consider diagnostic imaging for a patient presenting with headache? Do you know your red flags?
(Read time: 6-7 minutes)
When Should you Order Imaging for a Patient with Neck Pain?
We review common differential diagnoses for neck pain, including red flags, and when to consider diagnostic imaging.
Read time: 5-6 minutes
Should I Order an Ultrasound for my Patient with Suspected Hernia?
Hint: if it walks and talks like a hernia without red flags, ultrasound isn’t needed.
Read time: 2-3 minutes