Practice Management Tips for Nurse Practitioners
Becoming an NP is a steep learning curve! We have you covered.
Becoming a Nurse Practitioner: Transition to Practice Tips
We address common challenges NPs face in practice, such as documenting efficiently, managing the ever-flowing inbox, staying up to date, and more. You’re not alone!
Read time: 6-7 minutes
Burnout and Building Resilience
We reflect on external & internal causes of burnout, and strategies for building resilience in healthcare
Read time: 5-6 minutes
Nurse Practitioner Jobs in Canada
A review of the NP job market in Canada, including salary and funding comparisons across the provinces.
Read time: 6-7 minutes
How do I become a Nurse Practitioner in Ontario?
We take you through step by step to hopefully make your journey a bit more clear!
Read time: 5 minutes
Documentation Essentials
We we review documentation tips including SOAP note pearls and use of charting templates.
Is Personality Linked with Burnout? Exploring the Five Factor Model
Burnout in medicine is a hot topic. Is there something to be said about job-personality mismatch as an implicating factor?
Read time: 5-6 minutes
How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is a real thing for a novice provider and a seasoned provider. How can we deal with this phenomenon?
Read time: 5-6 minutes
How Do We Deal with Mistakes in Medicine?
Mistakes are a part of life - and a part of being a clinician. How can we deal with mistakes in a healthy way to prevent burnout?
Read time: 7-8 minutes
How to Prepare for a Nurse Practitioner Job Interview
Interviewing for a job is a skill - we review tips and tricks for having a successful job interview.
(Read time: 5-10 minutes)
Preparing to become a Nurse Practitioner? Here are 3 Tips
Get varied experience, check out resources a head of time, and familiarize yourself with diagnostic reasoning concepts.
(Read time: 4-5 minutes)
How do I Study for my Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam?
From the AANP to the ANCC, we review popular studying guides and tips to help you on your way to success!
Read time: 5 minutes
How do I become a Nurse Practitioner: Getting my License
We take you step-by-step through the process of getting your NP licence in Canada.
Read time: 5-6 minutes
How do I become a Nurse Practitioner in Canada?
We go through the ins and outs of how to pursue an NP career in Canada.
Read time: 5 minutes