Diagnostic Reasoning
The most important skill to master as an NP.
How do we Improve our Diagnostic Reasoning Skills? A Look at Problem Representation and Illness Scripts
Illness scripts are organized mental summaries stored in our memory to help us detect and diagnose diseases in medicine. How can we get good at this?
Read time: 7-8 minutes
A Case of Anchoring Bias
A Case of Anchoring Bias
We present the common cognitive bias known as anchoring bias, and how this can affect patient care.
Read time: 4-5 minutes
Using Fagan’s Nomogram to Assess Pre-Test Probability and Post-Test Probability
Fagan’s nomogram helps us determine the probability of a patient truly having a condition given a particular test result - why is this an important concept?
Read time: 7-8 minutes
Understanding and Applying Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios (LRs) in Practice
We break down these important concepts in simple terms to apply to our everyday practice.
Read time: 7-8 minutes
Generating Focused, Accurate, and Relevant Differential Diagnoses
How can we summarize concise and accurate differential diagnoses to better patient care?
Read time: 5-6 minutes
How to get Good at Clinical Problem Solving
As clinicians we are constantly trying to solve puzzles. Is there a way to make this easier?
Read time: 5-6 minutes
Understanding Positive and Negative Predictive Values
Important statistics we explain in simple terms to apply to everyday practice.
Read time: 7-8 minutes
What is Sensitivity and Specificity?
Sensitivity rules things out, and specificity rules things in. What more is there to know?
Read time: 5-6 minutes
Diagnostic Frameworks Part 4: Checklist / Mnemonic Framework
How to use checklists and mnemonics to NOT miss important diagnoses.
Read time: 4-5 minutes
Diagnostic Frameworks Part 3: Anatomic Framework
How to use anatomy to organize our differential diagnoses.
Read time: 4-5 minutes
Diagnostic Frameworks Part 2: Systems Framework
How to use body systems to organize our differential diagnoses.
Read time: 4-5 minutes
Diagnostic Frameworks Part 1: Mechanisms Framework
How to organize differential diagnoses using mechanisms.
Read time: 4-5 minutes
How to Create Great Differential Diagnoses: An Introduction
One of the hardest parts of being a clinician is knowing how to create accurate and succinct differential diagnoses. How is this done?
Read time: 3-4 minutes
The Power of Pre-Test Probability
An integral concept when ordering diagnostic testing.
(Read time: 3-4 minutes)
What is Diagnostic Reasoning?
The most important thing you should know as a clinician.
Read time: 3-4 minutes